A Quick Northside Houston Neighborhood Guide

Known for its eclectic homely charm and cultural diversity, the Northside Houston area is a beloved place full of affordable fun and cheap eats. This residential zone is composed of Victorian homes, family-owned stores, and many things that remind us of history and home.
There are a number of historic neighborhoods situated at the northside of Houston. These include Houston Heights, the Fifth and Sixth Ward, Trinity Gardens, Kashmere Gardens, East Aldine District, Greater Inwood, Greenspoint, Acres Homes, and Homestead.
Today, we’ll be discussing the best neighborhoods in this area, and what makes these areas a great place to live.
Let’s dive right in.
Symbolizing the changing times
Houston Heights is one of the main neighborhoods of the Northside, and it was initially developed after WW2 when people avoided the hustle and bustle of the city. Now, it is a favorite amongst young professionals and small families.
The Victorian homes here are either subjected to repairs and improvement, or renovated to a new modern architectural style. So in a way, the place is a display of how times change and how communities adapt.
Furthermore, it is one of CNN’s Top 10 Big City Neighborhoods in the US.
History and home
This area of Houston celebrates historical American events that have led to the freedom and diversity we now experience. Having a home in these areas means being surrounded by a strong sense of community.
The Fifth Ward, for one, was a residential zone that newly freed African American slaves considered their new home. Even though it is a predominantly black neighborhood, it is now a home for Hispanic and Filipino families who moved to Houston.
Unlike other neighborhoods, the Fifth Ward is not as open to gentrification. That means, everything that has built and bound the communities is preserved and supported.
While many consider this an outdated concept, we believe this shows how the people who live here value their history and what their ancestors had fought for. After all, there are many things that modernization can’t fix.
So, if you’re planning to move here with modern home developments in mind, we suggest you try other areas.
A fight well won
Another thing to love about Northside Houston is that it almost always has a neighborhood to suit every type of person. If you’re one transitioning from one milestone to another and just moved to Houston, Kashmere Gardens is a good place to stay.
This residential melting pot is in close proximity to public schools, community libraries, and local mom-and-pop stores. The coziness and laid-back lifestyle also welcomes young families and elderly couples.
Historically a black neighborhood, this was also a key location for social activism, especially for school integration in Houston. The earlier communities defended equality by boycotting segregation in said schools.
Nothing is as welcoming as the thought that the community surrounding you fought for what was right. That said, these Northside Houston neighborhoods contribute well to making Houston one of the most diverse big cities in the country.