How Much Do Home Inspections Cost in Houston?

If you’re buying or selling a home, apartment, or property in Houston, seeking the assistance and advice of an unbiased evaluating party is essential to properly assess the real estate value. This is where home inspectors come in.
Home inspections serve to reveal a near-accurate estimate of your property’s value, considering the current state of the market. With that, your initial home inspection will most likely be a springboard on deciding which other specific areas need more attention.
As of 2022, the average cost of home inspections in Houston was around $311. The range of inspection rates was from $190 to $430 for the typical 2-bedroom home.
In comparison to the rest of the Texan cities, the cost of home inspections in Houston neighborhoods is a bit more expensive.
Today, let’s discuss more about what this entails.
Cost of Home Inspections
When we have general home inspections conducted, the cost can run from $300 to $600, depending on the size of the home and if any further inspections are required. This can be accompanied with roof inspections, which may cost from $100 to $300.
Most times, home inspectors inform homeowners about other area-focused inspections to be done. That said, we recommend having properties inspected before selling it or renting it out so you can earn the most out of it.
If you’re a buyer purchasing or renting a home or apartment in its current state, you may need to pay a fee because you are temporarily taking the property off the market. By making this investment, you can properly negotiate the cost with the seller.
Why are Home Inspections Expensive?
Upon receiving a home inspection quote, we consider three factors.
This includes the labor cost, the expenses on equipment and materials, and the overall project cost. This also covers the preparations up until the cleanup.
However, these rates do not include the fee for any required permits, sales taxes in both Harris county and Houston neighborhoods, and other contractor fees.
Auxiliary Inspection Costs
Other concerns in need of inspections include potential pest infestations, molds, asbestos, lead-based paintworks, pools, HVAC, chimneys, structural and foundations, septic and sanitary, and electrical works.
The cost of termite infestation inspection ranges from $100 to $150, but the rate may increase when dealing with roaches, bugs, rodents, and other pests.
Mold and asbestos inspections may cost you from $350 to $800, while lead-based paint inspections cost around $200 to $500. Pool inspection costs range from $100 to $150, but chimney inspections are cheaper at $75 to $150 range.
HVAC checks range from $250 to $500 in cost, while electrical and sanitary works run cheap at $100 to $200 per home. Lastly, structural inspections cost range from $200 up to $600.
With all that being said, this investment earns you impartial and accurate information regarding the appraisal of your property.